CRIME Insurance – Crime and Embezzlement Insurance
Embezzlement and crime: Embezzlement and crime insurance covers damages caused by employee embezzlement or attempts to cause damage by third parties that are not covered by other insurance policies, such as property insurance or financial insurance. The following coverages are included in the policy: Loyalty insurance – damage to the insured by a first party […]
Cyber Insurance
Cyber risks are no longer the property of science fiction movies only. News is published daily about sophisticated attacks which are carried out against countries, private and public organizations, public and private networks, national infrastructures and more. The results of these attacks can be devastating to the point of stopping the activity of the victim, […]
Personal Directors Policy
The responsibility placed on the directors and officers of the company by virtue of their position is increasing worldwide. Continuous involvement of institutional bodies in the capital market, new legislation and/or regulation (Amendment No. 3 to the Law, “Sarbanes-Oxley” regulations, the new IFRS accounting standards etc., along with legal precedents created all the time, increase […]